Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Limrock Blowing Cave

Caving was a lot of fun. I was a little intimidated at first. I kept looking over my shoulder for the entrance that disappeared after 30 feet or so. The cave was very humid along with my anxiety I had to try and calm down and breathe. Dan didn't baby me. He just trucked along. So I didn't have time to really freak out because I was trying to keep up. Then Dan suggested we turn off our headlamps and sit in total darkness. I'm not going to lie I was freaked the eff out. Imagine having your eyes completely open and not seeing anything at all. A little terrifying. I was very anxious to get the lights back on. We did some exploring but not a huge amount. We did have to crawl in some places. That's what I was scared of most. Dan made sure I had all the proper gear so I just had fun and got muddy. We were a little worried the cave would flood. Because, we went caving the day that all the surrounding cities including Atlanta flooded. We took a break, considered ourselves lucky and decided to go on home and call it a day.
So this is my new thing that I did last week. This cave was a beginner cave. I hope to eventually be repelling into vertical caves. But I have a long way to go. If you know me then you know I'm deathly afraid of heights. I can have a panic attack watching someone else bungee jump. Yes its happened. ;)


I8cupcakes said...

Comments should be working.

Unknown said...

Could you please email the direction to this cave? I am in tuscaloosa, AL.
jcao4@cba.ua.edu. Thank you so much!